Tuesday, December 13, 2005

life goes on

Yes! I am [almost] done with school for the semester! I only have one more test tomorrow, but it isn't graded - just an indication of how we're going to do on the NCLEX-PN.

And I have managed to maintain my GPA, which I am the most excited about!

Now I just have to concentrate on Christmas [and the inevitable buying of presents] and moving.

Here's a typical "me pose" from the past few weeks.

I'm sitting at my favorite homework spot in my pink hat, my favorite greet slippers, and a blanket. [Remember my house is still sixty-four degrees.]

It is very very good to be [almost] done! I can finally breathe, even if it's only for a few weeks!

Jesus, thank You for the strength and grace to get through this semester! Please help me to do well next term and to do all for You! I love You!

1 comment:

sirhair said...
