Monday, September 29, 2008


Today I was at Ryan's house when we got the new that his grandma had been found unconscious in her home. She was taken to the hospital where it was discovered that she had a major cerebral hemorrhage. Apparently she also had a heart attack while in the hospital, so things aren't looking too good. She did regain consciousness, though and was able to speak.

So Ryan, Adam, and his cousins Sean and Jason decided to make the several hour drive from Ames, Iowa to Mosinee, Wisconsin to see their grandma.

When I heard the news I began to cry. She is an amazing woman and I am grateful for having met her. I just kept thinking about her family and how wonderful everyone is. I was able to go to her 90th birthday party in April and felt so welcomed by the entire Polka/Stanek family. I felt as if I had been part of the family for years.

As I watch the boys scramble around the house trying to pack for an unexpected week, I wondered how I could help. When Adam told Ryan that he planned to leave in an hour, Ryan's first response was that he had no clean underwear. I saw my opportunity!

So I headed to Wal-Mart, picked up some underwear, cards, and flowers. In the checkout line the cashier joked "Are those for you?" I was not in the mood for this. "No...they're for my husband." I know it was a lie, but I didn't think it would look appropriate for me to be buying underwear for my boyfriend, and I don't want to promote a negative lifestyle.

"Well, once my ex asked me to buy her some feminine products...I said no..." and he continued to tell me about not wanting people to think the tampons were for him.

Once back at the boys house Adam was home. They were mostly packed and looked like they were getting ready to leave. Then I found out Adam hadn't eaten all day. So I headed back out to Subway with Sean.

"I would like 4 foot longs with..." 15 minutes later we left with the delicious meals. At the boy's house everyone was ready to leave. Jason had arrived, the van was packed, and everyone had made their final potty breaks. I handed each boy a sandwich and watched as they drove off.

Times like this make me really re-prioritize my life. I'm sure everyone had their weeks all scheduled out, having a good idea of what would happen each day. But then something like this happens and we gladly drop all of those plans to be with our family. I had been planning to spend the afternoon at the gym before work but instead spent it at Wal Mart, Subway, and adoration. And I was glad to do so...hoping to be helpful and make the trip easier, even in the smallest ways.

Joyce (Ryan's mom) has written a lot about her family and the amazing lives they've led. I am awed when I read or hear them recounted. It makes me grateful for the struggles that life brings and helps me to see how the difficult times can shape me into a better woman, Christian, daughter, sister, friend.

Please keep Ryan's grandma and his family in your prayers!

Jesus I trust in You!

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