Tuesday, February 05, 2008

best day of my life

I had to go to work today, which I wasn't looking forward to after my long, relaxing weekend. However, it was the best day of my life! I'm so glad I worked today.

First my favorite patient ever was admitted. Then one of the women I work with brought in a surprise! 6 one-week-old cockapoo puppies! It was so adorable! I almost started to cry. I had never seen anything so cute in my entire life! Two or three patients came up to play with them.

One of the ChildLife specialists asked the "dad" if he could tell which ones were boys and which ones were girls yet. My patient said "Just flip them over" and then showed us the boy puppy he was holding at the moment.

I fell in love with a little curly one with a white star on its forehead. I wanted to take it home with me! I'll post a picture of me with the puppy as soon as I get one!

Life is good indeed.

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